Magic Happens
Celebration gone awry
Out of touch
#5 PINKY, NO!! That was the theme of our last Family Home Evening. We went turtle hunting at the little pond on the other side of the island. You tie raw chicken legs to a string and let them into the water and the snapping turtles latch on and you can pull them up...... Sometimes. The boys got really into, laying down on the docks and grabbing the turtles from the water..... "Johnny, you want me to hold your legs?" Pinky is Luis' little dog who kept trying to get to close to the SNAPPING turtles. They were bigger than the little one and could have easily bitten his leg off or head or something.
#4 This past week alone, I've had offers that if I moved to Chicago, D.C., Atlanta or Tennessee I would be kept very busy from people I worked on here and all their friends. So I guess I'm in the right field of work.
#3 My room is REALLY clean! I mean, pull the bed out and vaccum under it kind of clean. So refreshing and wonderful!!
#2 Luis, a young man from church, invited us all over to his house after church last sunday for dinner. He's pretty hilarious. Anytime there is any kind of occasion he insists on bringing the ice cream. It's kinda cute how his eyes get all wide and excited when someone mentions something and he says, "and we can have ice cream too!"
#1 I was called back to do another outcall on a yacht. The thing was insane! It wasn't the biggest one there, but they had a room that was all set up specifically for massage. How nice would it be? "You need a massage? Oh, no. Don't worry about the stress of going into the spa, just come by the yacht and I'll get our massage therapist to work on you." I have to admit that the best part of that morning was I only ended up doing one massage but they still payed me for the four they contracted me for. I got to go and play on the beach the rest of the morning!!
July 31st
Before I made this astonishing discovery, I went to pick up my bike from getting a tune up and the fellow was on the phone with someone. I didn't have anything else to do while I waited for my bike so I listened in on his side of the conversation and tried to imagine what was going on on the other end. The guy on my side said that he would send a bike over tomorrow and confirmed that it was the first of August. "Poor guy," I thought to myself. "How can you run a business when you don't even know what day it is?" I didn't want to embarass him in front of his other customers so I didn't say anything. Several hours later I was the poor soul who found out after an entire day Augustness that it was all a scam. So friends, enjoy July while you can, but be so grateful that tomorrow is really, truly AUGUST!!..... Unless they decided to tack that extra day for leap year onto July and tomorrow is really the 32nd, in which case we're all doomed.
P. S. Sorry Mr. Island Bike Man for having a good little chuckle in my head at your expense. You were right. I was wrong.
Bad hair days
The next morning she woke up and there were two hairs on her head. She said, "I can wear pigtails today!"
The next morning she woke up and there was only one hair on her head. She sighed and said, "Look's like a bad hair day."
I live with a 60+ year old woman from El Salvador and she thinks one of the church boys likes me. She's very adamant about this. She is also firm in her belief that he and I will be getting married next May... The 26th to be exact. This isn't just a fun little joke. This is dead serious! So, since this is DEFINITELY going to happen I thought I would give everyone some advanced notice.
I love you all and thanks in advance for all the help with the wedding plans!! Today's shout out goes to Doris!!
It's well..... AWESOME!
Tip # 57 for a fabulous evening
Lost and found
Can I just say that I really, really LOVE my family and all my true friends out there. Ya'll are such an inspiration to me. I'm so blessed to have amazing people like you in my life. There are so many out here (and anywhere in the world) that are lost and don't know who they are and don't have anyone solid that they can trust and confide in. I feel so grateful that I have so many people that would do anything for me. Thank you so much! I love you all!!
Happy Fourth!!
I hung out with some wonderful people on my day off. Chelsie, Ozni and I went to the beach but I didn't bring a suit or anything so it was kind of sad sitting there looking at the fun waves and not going in. Then we went downtown which is always fun (especially now that the season has officially started and it's getting wicked packed with all the people!) The best part for me was fireworks on the beach. Technically they set the fireworks off on a boat a ways off the shore and we kick back on the beach and enjoy them. Something always goes wrong (they cancelled the show completely my first year out here on account of weather. The sky went ablaze on the fifth) and this year was no exception. They started the show on time but it just so happened that they were right under a massive cloud. I thought it looked so cool!!! You could see color spewing over the cloud and under it with the faint blob of reds, blues, and greens showing through the cloud. It was amazing to me but I don't think others liked it too much. They shut the whole thing down and we waited and waited. Finally we decided to leave but they moved the boat and the wind blew the clouds away so they started again. We caught a bit of it while we were leaving.
Nuclear attack or alien invasion??
Tonight was Family Home Evening on the beach. Who gets to have FHE on a BEACH?!?!? It was stinkin awesome!! Sure it rained and it was a little windy but the Spirit was there as well as those five kids running up and down the beach. I rode my bike home in the dark in the pouring rain. I just laughed the whole time and tried to hit as many puddles as I could. There are fireflies on this island. As I ride my bike home at night I can see random bursts of light. It is amazingly beautiful!!
I am a firm believer in the fact that life is what we make of it. I choose to make it a happy place for myself and for those around me, and to concentrate on how blessed I truly am. Cheesy, I know, but life is a whole lot better when the cup is half full!
Like unto a MULLET
A little Nantucket in our lives
I can't very well take a picture of myself looking awesome and riding my awesome bike. This is as close as you get....
It looks a lot like the mainland. The only difference being the ocean on all four sides.....
I know I probably shouldn't be taking picutes whilst I ride my bike but hey, it was fun. Plus, I'm not so much a "Joy in the Journey" kinda gal, and leftover pasta was calling my name so I couldn't really stop to take all the pictures.....
By the way, the pasta was FABULOUS!!! Few things in this world make me happier than taking out a container from the fridge, poppin it in the microwave, waiting a minute and a half and eating. It's great!
Father's Day 2008
This is Sarah and Joe coming over to wake up Ma, Onge and I for Father's Day breakfast. Dad made breakfast for himself and for everyone else. We're basically horrible children. Pa is the best ever!! Be sure and check out the very, very end of the video.... It's the best part